Living Trusts & Estate Planning

Thinking about how to protect your assets and make sure your family is well taken care of after you’re gone and without getting tangled in probate or paying more expenses or taxes than necessary? Many lawyers can help you set up the basics like wills, power of attorneys, and health care directives – and those are super important! But, there’s more you can do, and we’re excited to guide you through some more options for your estate and long-term care planning.

At The Levinson Firm, LLC, we make sure seniors and their families are protected, whether you’re facing immediate challenges or just planning for the future. Whether it’s finding affordable nursing home care for a loved one or getting ahead on planning for your own care needs, we can help.

Specialized Living Trusts — Tax Planning — Long Term Care

We can talk about ways to protect your money even through divorces or creditor issues for your beneficiaries. Or how about stretching your IRA to keep income tax benefits going longer? We can also help with planning for kids with special needs, protecting your assets if long-term care is in the picture, and making sure as much of your legacy as possible gets to your heirs without a big tax hit.

And guess what? We love sharing what we know. Financial planners often send people our way, and we’re always ready with free information and guidance for seniors and their families on these big topics.

Ask for Free Information or Request a Consultation

Interested in a free guide on long-term care planning, or maybe just a chat to see what you might need? Just click here or give us a call to get started. We’re here to help make estate planning straightforward and beneficial for you and your loved ones.


What We Do

  • Medicaid Planning
  • Veterans Benefits Planning
  • Long-Term Care Planning
  • Estate Planning
  • Living Trusts
  • Special Needs Planning
Protecting Assets for Delaware Families Every Step of the Way

Don’t Let Long Term Care Drain Your Savings

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